Jumat, 29 Januari 2010


TAUBA ( Repentance ) or Baraat ( Immunity )

14. God Commands the believers to fight the enemies of God and God will Punish them by the hands of the believers.

16, God Asks to the believers take none for friends and Protectors except God.

18. The Mosques of God shall be visited and maintained by the believers, who establish regular prayers, and practice regular charity.

20. God Says that those who believe and suffer exile and strive with might and main, in God;s cause with their gods and their persons have the highest rank in the Sight of God. They are the people who will achieve ( salvation )

24. Say: "If it that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your mates, or your kindred, the wealth that you have gained, ,the commerce in which you fear a decline, or the dwellings in which you delight are dearer to you than God ( Allah ) or His Apostle or the striving in His cause;-then wait until God brings about His Decision: and God Guides not the rebellions."

25 God Minds us that God did Help us in many battle-fields

30 God Saith that the Jews call Uzair a son of God, and the Christians call Christ the son of God. That as saying from their mouth (in this) they imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. God's Curse be on them: How thay are deluded away from the truth!

31.There is not God but He ( Allah ).

46. If they had intended to come out, they would certainly have made some preparation therefore

53. Spend ( for the cause ) willingly or unwillingly.
